
What Are Coffee Granules?


What Are Coffee Granules?

Coffee granules typically come from roasted and ground coffee beans. The roasting process takes away all the water inside the bean, making it almost impossible for germination to take place when planted.

As a result, nearly 100 percent of what we drink comes from its processed form in different variations: coffee powder or instant coffee granules.

The main difference between powdered instant coffee ground and coffee granules is that with the latter, it’s possible to buy and use whole beans and grind them in a coffee mill before preparing a cup of coffee.

On the other hand, Instant powder requires dissolving in hot water for drinking, making it ideal when we need to get a cup of coffee in a hurry, for example, on the way to work.

What is Instant Coffee Powder?

Instant ground coffee or soluble coffee can also be found in powdered form. It is made by either freeze-drying or spray drying methods. The latter process includes spraying hot water over ground beans in high temperatures and then removing all water after it has evaporated. The ground coffee is then used in powdered instant coffee or granules.

Difference Between Instant Coffee Powder and Granules:

The main difference between the two forms of instant coffee – as mentioned above – is that with ground coffee beans, it’s possible to buy whole ones and grind them before preparing a cup of joe, whereas, with instant, it’s necessary to dissolve the powder in hot water before drinking.


In terms of taste, coffee beans have a richer flavor than instant coffee granules because they contain high amounts of caffeine. In addition, it requires dissolving in hot water for drinking when using granules or crystals, while powdered instant can be drunk as it is.

Preparation Time

Coffee granules are made from coffee beans, but the difference between them and instant is that with the latter, you have to dissolve them in hot water before drinking since it’s made by either freeze-drying process or spray drying method.

However, you don’t need any preparation with the former, and buying coffee grounds reduces the time used for preparation.

The Amount of Caffeine Content

Another difference between the two is that instant coffee powder can be drunk just like it is, while granules need to dissolve in hot water before drinking because instant powder contains lower amounts of caffeine when compared with ground beans.

If you want to make a cappuccino when using granules, add hot water into a cup or mug and then stir in 2 teaspoons of ground beans with 1 teaspoon of sugar. Alternatively, you can just add milk into a mug and stir in 2 teaspoons of granules with 1 teaspoon of sugar instead.


The main difference between powdered instant coffee and granules is that ground beans have a richer flavor than the latter.

Moreover, the instant coffee powder also contains higher amounts of caffeine when compared with granules because it requires dissolving in hot water for drinking while ground beans don’t.

If you want to make a cup of joe in a hurry, go ahead and buy instant granules, which are suitable since there is no need for preparation when adding hot water.

Simply measure out the right amount of granules required, add 2 teaspoons into a mug and stir in 1 teaspoon of sugar until they have dissolved. Then pour in the milk and enjoy your drink!

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Can You Substitute Coffee for Coffee Granules?

Yes, you can use ground or whole beans as an alternative to granules. However, with the latter, there is no need for preparation and grinding them reduces the time needed to prepare a cup of joe. The water needs to be hot enough for instant powder or granules to dissolve quickly if using ground coffee.

Are Coffee Granules and Crystals The Same?

Although both are forms of ground beans, there is a significant difference between coffee crystals and powdered instant coffee in terms of taste. Since the crystal-based product has less caffeine than instant, it doesn’t have the same bitter taste.

How to Make Coffee with Coffee Granules?

1) Measure out the right amount of granules required.

2) Add hot water into a cup or mug depending on how many servings you plan to make up.

3) Stir in 2 teaspoons of granules with 1 teaspoon of sugar and stir until they have dissolved.

4) Pour in milk and enjoy your drink!

How to Make a Cappuccino with Coffee Granules?

Step 1

Dissolve 3 teaspoons of ground coffee beans in 1 teaspoon of sugar.

Step 2

Pour in hot milk, stir and enjoy your brewed coffee! (Optional)

You can also do the same by using instant granules instead. Just follow the steps below:

Step 1

Dissolve 3 teaspoons of ground coffee with 1 teaspoon of sugar in hot water until fully dissolved.

Step 2

Pour in hot milk and enjoy!

There is not much difference between granules and instant coffee powder apart from the time needed for preparation.

If you want to have a cup of joe in a hurry, instant coffee granules are the best option. Although they don’t have whole beans rich flavor, they are still ideal since there is no need for preparation before drinking them. In addition, they dissolve quickly when adding hot water so that your morning or afternoon pick-me-up can be ready in no time.


Instant coffee granules are ground beans that require dissolving in hot water before drinking so that your cup of joe is ready in no time. They are made from either freeze-drying or spray drying methods so that they can be dissolved easily when adding hot water.

However, when it comes to powdered instant coffee, it has a bitter taste because of having lower amounts of caffeine, and it requires dissolving in hot water for drinking as well.

As mentioned above, ground beans have a richer flavor than instant coffee because it contains higher amounts of caffeine when compared with the latter and it requires dissolving in hot water for drinking.

Moreover, powdered instant can be drunk just like it is, while granules need to be dissolved before drinking. Therefore, if you want to make a cappuccino, add 2 teaspoons of ground beans into a mug and stir in 1 teaspoon of sugar.

Otherwise, you can add 2 teaspoons of ground coffee granules with 1 teaspoon of sugar instead. Or, if you don’t want to make a cappuccino at all, you can simply add milk into a cup or mug and stir in 2 teaspoons of ground beans with 1 teaspoon of sugar instead.